What are the different accounts?

Depending on when was done your last donation to QScope and its amount, you may have some restrictions applied to your use of QScope.

Please note that any newly created account benefits from a 30-day trial period with unrestricted usage.

DonationLogs restrictionsCharts/Stats restrictions
(public account)
Import up to 100 QSOs at once
Logs and charts are kept online 1 day
QSO Rate, Max QSO Rate, Average QSO Rate and Operating Time stats/charts are disabled
No donation
(free account)
Import up to 1000 QSOs at once
Publicly viewable logs are kept online 2 years, other containers are kept online 365 days after last import*
QSO Rate, Max QSO Rate, Average QSO Rate and Operating Time stats/charts are disabled
At least 5 USD in the last 12 monthsNo import restriction
Unlimited if donation is kept current. Containers are kept online at least 180 days after the latest donation expires*
No restrictions
At least 20 USD in the last 12 monthsNo import restriction
You can ask to have your logs on a dedicated database where they will be kept as long as your renew your donation
No restrictions
Donators will also enjoy the additional benefit of not having advertising displayed inside the application.
* Containers are deleted following the last import date. Your logs will be kept as long as you "refresh" them on QScope. Also note that even when your QSOs are deleted, the container including the stats you computed remain on the server for 180 days. While your container may show "0 QSOs", you will still be able to view the charts and stats you computed before during another 120 days. The date for deletion will the date of the last import into that container.

Please make a donation using PayPal

Donate 5 USD
Donate 20 USD
Any amount